Like honey, there are many variations in the beautiful colors of beeswax. Depending on various factors, including where the comb was harvested from, it can be a very light cream color, a soft, warm golden hue, or have very rich brown tones.
Capping wax is a very light (almost white) color and is the “special” wax the bees cover their honey with. Because it is the purest form of all, it is mostly used for our skin-care hive products.
The beeswax used for our candles & household products usually comes from the beeswax harvested from any extra honeycomb, damaged comb, or older comb. It is removed and then put into a solar wax-melter (or melting-box). The sun heats the inside of the melting-box to at least 145 degrees until it completely melts the wax and it drips into a catch-pan at the bottom. Depending on how old or dirty the beeswax is, will determine how many times we will have to clean that wax.
Learn more about Beeswax HERE