Gardening is something that I have known all of my life. I have very fond memories of my Grandfather, Grandmother, Mother, Myself down to my own Daughter, each with our hands (and toes) in the dirt. There’s something special in the way that a seed can be placed into the soil, the warmth of the sunshine, the sound of a gentle rain, and the huge significance pollinators play within this great circle of life.
A home garden is a form of survival. It’s knowing where your food comes from. It’s the satisfaction of the process. Home gardens are therapeutic and they offer so many healthy benefits; from the exercise all the way to the consumption. It holds the complete meaning of “Life”.
Our lives essentially, exists from the Earth. I believe that it is up to each of us to care for her. Don’t suffocate her with litter and pollution, chemicals and waste. She deserves so much better than what humankind has been doing to her over the industrialized revolution of this past century. I’m aware that culture, demographics and even morals may partly be the cause of lax in how people perceive nature. Some people haven’t had an opportunity to get up-close and personal with her. If you ever get the opportunity, reach out to those who are less than fortunate to experience the natural world.
I feel that it is in my blood to glorify nature as I see it. We get our oxygen from her, our vitamins and minerals, our food and clothing, our homes. That reality, is too often, overlooked. Nature has such an immeasurable amount of positive energy to offer and does so generously, to anyone who seeks it. My experience living as cleanly as I have, is nothing short of a Blessing. So my part in caring, is to share what knowledge I have gained through my extraordinary experiences. Reach out if you have any questions.
Here is a link to a page for Nectar and Pollen Sources that you may find helpful when planting for pollinators.